Workouts Explained: Low Impact Burpees

100 burpees for time

People often find burpees a hard exercise due to the complexity of the movement. Also, it is known to be a high impact exercise which can cause damage to joints in your body if performed without proper technique.

A low impact burpee is exactly what you need when you are new to strength training and trying out different types of exercises. It is important that you begin with something that is low impact and then move on to something more challenging. In this article, we will discuss what a low impact burpee is.

Defining Burpees

Burpees are a challenging, full-body exercise that have been used burpee to shoulder press to develop strength and endurance since the 1930s. This simple, yet effective exercise requires minimal equipment, making it a great workout choice for those who wish to stay in shape at home or on the go.

The burpee movement begins with standing tall, then dropping into a squat position with hands on the floor. From there, you move your feet back into a plank position and perform one push up before quickly returning to the squat position. Finally, you jump up as high as possible from the squat position before repeating all of these steps again. It is an intense movement that engages core muscles while also working arms, chest and legs. Burpees can be done slowly or at high intensity depending on your fitness level and goals; they are excellent for both aerobic conditioning and muscle building.

Related: Learn the CrossFit Burpee Standard for Maximum Fitness Results

Defining Low Impact Burpees

Low impact burpees are an effective way to get in a great workout without putting too much stress on your body. This form of exercise is great for beginners, people with joint pain, or anyone else looking for a low-impact workout that still provides a challenge. When done correctly, low impact burpees can help strengthen the muscles and improve cardiovascular fitness.

A low impact burpee requires you to start in a standing position with feet shoulder width apart. Then you need to move into a squat position while keeping your chest up, then place your hands on the ground while jumping back into a plank position. Next, move back into the squat position and finish by jumping back up into standing before repeating the sequence.

Related: Burpees vs Running: Which is More Effective?

The Benefits and Advantages of Low Impact Burpees

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Effective as a Full Body Exercise

Low impact burpees are an effective full body exercise, perfect for individuals of all ages and fitness levels. Burpees are a versatile exercise that target muscles from head to toe, providing a great form of cardiovascular conditioning and strength training in one move. Not only do they add variety to a workout routine, burpee exercises can be modified depending on the individual’s fitness level or physical limitations. They require no special equipment and can be done anywhere – at home, outside, or in the gym.

This form of full body exercise is composed of four parts: starting in a standing position; performing a squat; going into push-up position; then jumping up at the end. This movement requires balance and coordination as well as flexibility and strength.

Doesn't Put Too Much Stress on the Body

Many people are looking for ways to stay fit without putting too much strain on their body. Low-impact burpees can be an effective way to get in a great workout without overly stressing the body's joints or muscles. This type of exercise is ideal for beginners, pregnant women and anyone else looking for an intense workout that is not too demanding.

Low-impact burpees involve doing the same movements as regular burpees, but with less impact on the body. Instead of jumping straight up from your squatting position, you step back one leg at a time instead. As you come up into the plank position, lower down onto your knees before pushing yourself back up again. By reducing the amount of jumping involved in this traditional exercise, it makes it easier to perform while still providing all the benefits of a full-body workout.

Related: Get Fit with Burpees for Beginners: Tips and Techniques

Can Be Done as a Full Workout

Low impact burpees are a great way to get a full body workout without the risk of injury. This exercise is perfect for those who want to stay fit and healthy, but don't want to put their body under too much stress. Low impact burpees can be done as a full workout with just minutes of effort.

The low impact version of the burpee involves simply doing the same movements as traditional burpees, but in a more gentle way. Start by standing in place and then gently lower yourself down into a squat position before back up again and jumping into the air with your arms stretched out overhead. Repeat this 10-20 times for an effective, low-impact aerobic workout that you can do anywhere! Make sure you focus on keeping your core tight and using proper form throughout each repetition.

Easier than Standard Burpees

Low Impact Burpees are the perfect exercise for anyone looking to get in shape without pushing their body too hard. This exercise is a variation of the standard burpee and provides a great way to work out without putting too much strain on your joints. By performing this low impact version of the classic burpee, you can achieve your fitness goals while avoiding any unnecessary pain or discomfort.

The Low Impact Burpee is an easier alternative to regular burpees because it involves less strain on the body and fewer movements overall. The main difference between these two exercises is that instead of jumping up at the end of each rep, you simply step up into a standing position with both feet together. This makes it easier for people who may not have as much strength or agility as other athletes.

How to do Low Impact Burpees

How to do Low Impact Burpees

Proper Starting Position

Starting a workout routine can be overwhelming, especially for those who are just beginning to exercise. Before attempting any exercises, it is important to understand proper form and positioning for each move. One of the most popular exercises is the low impact burpee, an effective full-body move that targets all major muscle groups. Knowing the proper starting position for this exercise will help ensure you reap its maximum benefits while avoiding injury.

To get into the correct starting position for a low impact burpee, begin by standing tall with your feet hip-width apart and your arms relaxed at your sides. Then lower your hands to the ground so that they’re in line with your toes and squeeze your glutes as you step both feet back into a high plank. Make sure the body forms a straight line from head to heels before lowering down until both elbows touch the floor on either side of you.

Proper Movement and Technique

Burpees are a popular full-body exercise that can be performed at any level of intensity. If you’re looking for a low impact option, there are certain modifications that can make the traditional burpee easier on your joints and muscles. Proper movement and technique is key when performing this exercise to get the most out of each rep.

When performing burpees, start in a standing position with legs shoulder-width apart, arms extended above your head, and core braced. As you lower down into a squat position, reach your hands towards the floor in front of you before shifting back into plank position by jumping or stepping your feet back one at a time. Then lower yourself down into push up position before bringing both feet back towards your body as you stand up straight again. Finally jump or step both feet outwards while keeping arms extended above your head to complete one repetition.

Other Types of Burpees

Standard Burpees

Standard Burpees are one of the most popular exercises for both beginners and advanced fitness enthusiasts alike. This intense full-body exercise is not only effective, but relatively easy to learn. It can be used as part of any workout routine for increased strength, muscular endurance, and overall fitness.

The burpee is a four-part exercise which consists of squats, pushups, jumps and sometimes planks. The goal is to perform each component as quickly as possible while maintaining proper form throughout the movement. Not only will this help build strength and increase your cardiovascular endurance, but it also helps improve coordination and agility. Its intense nature also makes it an ideal exercise to burn a large number of calories in a short amount of time - making it an excellent choice for those looking to lose weight or tone up their body!

No Push Up Burpees

No Push Up Burpees are the perfect exercise for people looking to get fit without putting too much strain on their bodies. Those who are new to fitness or have existing joint issues may find that regular burpees can be uncomfortable or even painful. But by taking out the push up element, this modified version is not only kinder on your joints, it’s also a great way to increase your cardiovascular endurance and build strength in other areas of the body.

This easy-to-execute movement is beneficial for all types of athletes, from beginners starting off with basic exercises to experienced gym goers needing an additional challenge in their routine. No Push Up Burpees involve standing with your feet shoulder width apart before lunging down into a squat position and then jumping up into the air as high as possible.

Incline Burpees

Incline Burpees are a great way to add an extra challenge and intensity to your workouts. An Incline Burpee is similar to a traditional Burpee, but it involves incorporating an incline into the exercise. This adds additional difficulty by forcing you to use more muscle groups within the movement. With that being said, the Incline Burpee requires more balance and coordination than its traditional counterpart. Additionally, because of this increased difficulty, it is important for people attempting this exercise for the first time to be aware of proper form so as not to get injured.

When performing an Incline Burpee, start off in a standing position facing away from an elevated surface like a step or chair.

Tips for Performing Burpees

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Keep Your Core Tight

The burpee is a popular exercise that can be done anywhere and with minimal equipment. It’s an intense full-body workout, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right form and modifications, you can perform low impact burpees that keep your core tight while still providing a great workout.

For those who are new to working out or who are recovering from an injury, these modified burpees offer an effective way to strengthen your core without adding too much stress on your body. By keeping your core tight throughout each rep of the movement, you can maximize the effectiveness of this exercise while reducing any potential risk of injury.

Whether you’re looking for a way to get in shape without putting too much strain on your body or want to add some variety into your existing workout routine - low impact burpees are a great option.

Relax on Your Way Down to the Push Up Position

Relaxing during exercise may seem counterintuitive, but it's a key component to achieving the best results. Burpees are a great way to get an intense workout for both your upper and lower body, but with the low impact variation you can further reduce the strain on your joints and muscles. This article will provide step-by-step instructions on how to correctly perform low impact burpees so that you can enjoy all their benefits without any of the stress.

The first step is to relax into a push up position while keeping your core engaged throughout. Make sure that your hands are planted firmly on the ground and that your feet are spread hip width apart. From here, take a deep breath in, then exhale as you slowly bend your knees until they are just above the ground, before returning back up into the starting position.

Don't Do a Full Push Up

For many people, the traditional push up can be a challenging and intimidating exercise. If you're just starting out with your fitness journey or if you want to switch things up in your current routine, low impact burpees may be the perfect alternative. Low impact burpees are an effective full body exercise that doesn't place as much pressure on joints and muscles as a standard push up does.

Low impact burpees are great for increasing strength and cardio endurance all at once. They involve bending down into a squat position, placing both hands on the floor, kicking both feet back, jumping back into the starting position, standing upright and then repeating the cycle. The lack of full-body contact with the ground makes this exercise easier on your joints while still providing an intense workout.

Land on Your Heels when You Get Back Up

For those who are looking for a low-impact exercise routine that will still give you a great workout, burpees may be the perfect solution. A burpee is an exercise that involves getting down on your hands and feet, jumping up with your arms held above your head, and then repeating the process. Although it is considered to be a high-intensity exercise, when done correctly with proper form it can actually be done as a low impact workout.

When performing a burpee there are two key points to keep in mind: land on your heels when you come back up and use gentle movements throughout the entire exercise. Landing on your heels helps soften the impact of coming back up, while using gentle movements prevents any unnecessary strain or injury. This combination also ensures that you get proper form so you can maximize the effectiveness of each burpee repetition.

Practice Proper Breathing

Practice Proper Breathing when doing Low Impact Burpees

Low impact burpees are an effective and efficient way to get a full body workout. They are quick, easy to do, and require no equipment. However, proper breathing is essential for any exercise program. With the low impact burpee, it is especially important to remember how to breath correctly in order to maximize the effectiveness of each repetition.

When performing a low impact burpee, inhale during the initial squat position and exhale during your pushing off phase back into the starting position. This will keep your muscles oxygenated as well as help increase endurance during this exercise. Make sure not to hold your breath or take shallow breaths while doing this exercise as both can cause lightheadedness due to lack of oxygen intake by the body's cells.


Burpees are a great way to get active and increase your fitness level without the need to engage in high-impact activities. They are easy to do at home, require no special equipment and can be modified for different levels of intensity. The low impact version of burpees is an excellent option for those who want to challenge themselves while avoiding potential injuries associated with higher impact movements.

For those new to exercise, burpees can be a helpful starting point as they provide a full body workout while being gentle on joints. Incorporating burpees into your regular routine is an effective way to increase heart rate, build strength and burn calories - all without the risk of overworking your body or putting stress on any particular muscle group.

In conclusion, low impact burpees offer many benefits that make them worth adding into your workout routine.